You can check the delivery status of your order with the following e-mails! Please check the details depending on the latest e-mail subject you have received.
*Please check the junk e-mail box if you can not find our e-mails.
Application has been completed. (Sakura Mobile)
⇒You have filled out the application form and it was successfully sent to our system! We will check the details. Once the checking is completed, you will receive the below authorization e-mail.
*If there is something necessary to complete your order, rest assured we will send you an e-mail to provide you with the information.
Your order (OOOO-OOOOOO) has been authorized
⇒Your order is ready to be shipped! Now your order is completed and it is usually shipped a few days before the contract start date. Once this procedure is completed, you will receive the below shipping e-mail.
Your order (OOOO-OOOOOO) has been shipped
⇒Your order is on its way! Please check the shipping status with the tracking number and the link provided in this e-mail.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us from HERE and we are happy to assist you🌸