The day you install our Travel eSIM will be counted as the 1st day of the rental period.
An example of purchasing a plan: 30 GB for the entire 10 days period
・If you purchase the Travel eSIM before you arrive in Japan, then we will recommend you to install the eSIM on the day of arrival, as this will be the 1st day of the 10 days period.
・If you purchase the Travel eSIM when you are in Japan, you can install it anytime depending on your needs, and that day will be the 1st day of the 10 days period.
※ e.g. Installing the eSIM at 00:00 on January 1 means you can use the eSIM until 23:59 on January 10.
※ e.g. Installing the eSIM at 23:59 on January 1 means you can use the eSIM until 23:59 on January 10.
Important information regarding the eSIM installation.
1. You will need a stable internet/WiFi connection when installing the eSIM profile.
2. The eSIM can only be installed once. Please DO NOT delete/remove your eSIM from your device after the successful installation.