Yes, we can deliver the Travel plan Pocket Wifi to a residence, AirBnb or your acquaintance's house.
Delivery to AirBnBs, Vacation Rentals, or similar services is usually the same as residential delivery.
※Please make sure to include:
1. The full name of the person who is living at the address provided or the owner of the Airbnb (the name on the name board) - "In care of".
2. If it is a condo, please provide the Room Number.
For larger providers (guest houses), they may request to send it to their front desk. Please contact your host/provider for the "in care of name" or how to receive your packages.
When the post office suspects mis delivery due to mismatches on the names, they will put your package on hold (shown as retention in tracking service) and request a confirmation.
Retention is a rare case. Please contact us immediately if it occurs. We will call the post offices to arrange a re-delivery as soon as possible.
You may also pick it up at post offices if you do not have the information above.
Most Central post offices are open everyday.
For locations of post office branches near your accommodations, please contact us. Regular operating hours for local post office branches are 9:00-17:00.
If you are unsure about where to pick up the order, please feel free to contact us.