There are a few issues that you may face when installing the eSIM on your phone.
Please check all the steps below to find out which stage of the application you are currently at, and see what you need to do next.
1. Check if your application have been authorized
If you have received the email with the following title, then this means you have successfully completed the application.
EMAIL title : Your order (Booking ID) has been authorized
If you have already received this email, then please proceed.
If you have not received this email, then please check the application FAQ page for support
2. EID confirmation
If your phone supports eSIM, then you will be able to find the EID number on your phone.
※EID number is a 32 digits identification number of the eSIM in your phone.
・Where do I find the EID number on my phone?
・Where do I enter EID number?
・I can not find the EID number, what do I do?
3. Access Code Verification and installation of the eSIM
※This is a security check to make sure the contract person is only person can install this eSIM on their phone.
・Where do I find the Access Code?
・Where do I enter the Access Code?
4. Installation of the eSIM
・When can I install or activate the eSIM?
・How do I install the eSIM?
・I have installed the eSIM, but I can not use the eSIM (iPhone)
・I have installed the eSIM, but I can not use the eSIM (Android)
5. Activation of the eSIM
・How do I activate the eSIM?
6. APN setting
・How do I do APN setting?
7. Send us an inquiry
・I have done everything above, but the eSIM does not work.