Check network settings (Please also refer to our ‘’APN settings’’ enclosed for step-by-step instructions)
For iPhone
① APN values are entered correctly in small letters (in 3 sections) and there are no spaces before, after, or between the characters
② Turn on mobile data
③ Try to turn on data roaming
④ Turn off flight mode
⑤ Reset the phone after all values are entered
For Android phone
① APN values are entered correctly in small letters and there are no spaces before, after, or between the characters
② Authentication type is set to “CHAP or PAP”
③ You have saved and selected the new APN (For dual-SIM devices, please make sure that you have selected the correct SIM slot)
④ Turn ON mobile data
⑤ Try to turn ON data roaming
⑥ Turn OFF flight mode
⑦ Reset the phone after all values are entered
For other questions, please contact us.