To log in to your [Sakura Mobile My Page] please proceed to the following link and enter your email address which is registered to your Sakura Mobile account and your password for your [Sakura Mobile My Page]
※If you have not set the password for your account yet, please follow the steps below to create your password.
Access the following link:
Step by step:
1. Enter your email address (registered on our system) and click Submit
2. You will receive an email from Sakura Mobile, click on "Change my password"
※ This link is only valid for 6 hours after it has been issued
3. Enter the password that meets the requirements below
4. Log in
Password conditions:
1. You need to reset the password from the newest email that you receive from us after entering your email address.
2. The password must include:
- At least 8 characters
- At least 1 uppercase alphabet character
- At least 1 lowercase alphabet character