Please click on your respective installation type and follow the instructions.
※For physical installations, the installation company will bring and set up the ONU/VDSL modem when they visit you.
For Home Gateway Users, please click here!
Watch Video: How to set up Sakura Fiber Internet
Fiber-Optic Remote Installation Customers
Devices needed
・ONU modem - Provided by NTT
・TP-Link wireless router - Provided by Sakura Mobile
※Please note there are cases when the LAN cable may not be included with the NTT modem. In which case, please use the LAN cable provided with the TP-Link wireless router.
Please DO NOT connect to the wireless router networks and access the wireless router's settings before the remote installation activation date.
Connecting the devices
1) Locate the fiber-optic port in your residence and connect the white cable to the port. It should slide in without using too much force. You will hear a "click" sound once the cable is fully inserted.
※ Note that the port may look different than the ones below.
*"TEL" ports cannot be used for fiber optic cables. Please make sure to insert the cable to 光(Hikari) port.
2) Slide off the bottom cover of the ONU, plug the other end of the white fiber-optic cable into the ONU, and then put the cover back on.
3) Plug the AC adapter into the ONU.
4) Slide the top cover off and plug the LAN cable into the back of the ONU (a "click" sound should be heard if correctly connected).
5) Plug the other end of the LAN cable into the WAN (BLUE) port of the TP-Link router.
6) Plug the AC adapter into the TP-Link router.
7) The lights on both devices should light up like below:
And that's it! Now you should be able to connect to the internet!
※ We do not recommend using "Tether App" (TP-Link's official Application), as it automatically changes the WiFi settings of the router. These settings can be edited without this app. If you have an issue with your internet connection, please contact us by email. We will provide assistance to resolve the problem.
Fiber-Optic Physical Installation Customers
Devices needed
・ONU modem - Provided by NTT
・TP-Link wireless router - Provided by Sakura Mobile
The installation staff will set up the ONU modem and connect it to the fiber port on the day of your installation. The last step will be to connect the TP-Link router to the ONU modem. Please follow the instructions below to do so:
Connecting the devices
1) Slide the top cover off and plug the LAN cable into the back of the ONU (a "click" sound should be heard if correctly connected).
2) Plug the other end of the LAN cable into the WAN (BLUE) port of the TP-Link router.
3) Plug the AC adapter into the TP-Link router.
4) The lights on both devices should light up like below:
And that's it! Now you should be able to connect to the internet!
※ We do not recommend using "Tether App" (TP-Link's official Application), as it automatically changes the WiFi settings of the router. These settings can be edited without this app. If you have an issue with your internet connection, please contact us by email. We will provide assistance to resolve the problem.
For VDSL customers
Devices needed
・VDSL modem - Provided by NTT
・TP-Link wireless router - Provided by Sakura Mobile
Connecting the devices
1) Please connect the thinner cable (which looks like a telephone cable) from the wall port (modular jack) directly to the LINE port of the VDSL modem.
2) Please connect the LAN cable (thicker cable) to the LAN port of the VDSL modem.
3) Connect the other end of the LAN cable to the WAN (BLUE) port of the TP-Link router.
4) The lights on both devices should light up like below:
※Please note that the LAN LINK and VDSL LINK/ACT lights may be flashing green. Do not worry, this only indicates that there is data transmission.
And that's it! Now you should be able to connect to the internet!
※ We do not recommend using "Tether App" (TP-Link's official Application), as it automatically changes the WiFi settings of the router. These settings can be edited without this app. If you have an issue with your internet connection, please contact us by email. We will provide assistance to resolve the problem.
・How to access the wireless networks (SSID)
For instructions on how to connect to the wireless networks, please refer to the following FAQ page:
How do I connect to the TP-Link router's wireless networks?
・If you are experiencing issues with the internet
If you cannot connect to the internet after setting up the devices, please factory reset the TP-Link router by doing the following:
While the device is on, use a paperclip or a pin to press the reset hole on the back of the device for about 10 seconds (see the below picture). The lights will go off and start lighting up again.
FAQ LINK: I cannot connect to the internet (The internet does not work)