The required documents will depend on your product and pickup location
①Voice+Data SIM (Delivery):
②Data ONLY SIM (Delivery):
③Voice+Data SIM (Office/Counter Pickup):
④Data Only SIM (Office/Counter Pickup):
For option①:
Please kindly provide one of the following documents.
Conditions: The document must be valid and has your most recent address registered on it.
※Scanned/edited document will be invalid.
1. Japanese Residence card (在留カード)- Both sides |
2. Passport + Utility bills (Japan address) issued within 3 months (Water, gas, electricity) - パスポート+ 公共料金領収書3ヶ月以内に発行されたもの ※Condition: Both documents must be under the same name. |
3. Special permanent resident certificate(特別永住者証明書)- Both sides |
4. Japanese Driver’s license (運転免許証)- Both sides |
5. Driving history certificate(運転経歴証明書)- Both sides |
6. Personal number card(個人番号カード)- **Front only |
7. Health Insurance card(健康保険者証・国民健康保険者証)- Both sides ※You must cover the number parts (記号、番号、支番、保険者番号) as well as the QR/bar code. |
※ If you are staying in Japan under a diplomatic passport, please kindly provide an Embassy ID card AND a Certificate of Residential Address issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan - MOFA). You can find the application document here:
This certificate must be approved by your Embassy.
Example on the website:
※In case you have a Japanese passport and do not have a valid utility bill, you can upload your Japanese passport and 住民票 (Juminhyo) that was issued within 3 months, showing your current address, and your name that is the same as your passport name. *Please hide your My Number when uploading.
For option②,③ and ④:
Please kindly provide one of the following documents.
Conditions: The document must be valid.
1. Residence card (在留カード)- Both sides |
2. Passport - パスポート ※Condition: Both documents must be under the same name |
3. Special permanent resident certificate(特別永住者証明書)- Both sides |
4. Japanese Driver’s license (運転免許証)- Both sides |
5. Driving history certificate(運転経歴証明書)- Both sides |
6. Personal number card(個人番号カード)- **Front only |
7. Health Insurance card(健康保険者証・国民健康保険者証)- Both sides ※You must cover the number parts (記号、番号、支番、保険者番号) as well as the QR/bar code. |
For Military members, please kindly check the following article:
I am a U.S. Military member, what documents are needed for sign up?
If you have any further questions regarding the required documents, please contact us.