Users who sign up for a second contract or already have one of our existing long-term products are eligible for discounts on their initial fees for the second contract.
※ Long-term products include our monthly Voice & Data SIMs, Data Only SIMs, and Pocket WiFi Devices.
The discounts are as follows (tax included):
Home WiFi
Discounted administrative fee: 5,500 to 110 JPY.
How to receive the discount?: After completing your long-term order, apply for Home WiFi using the discount link from HERE!
※ You will not receive your discount if you apply without using the above link. Users without an existing contract will need to complete their new order before using the above link to receive their discount.
Fiber Internet
Discounted administrative fee: 5,500 to 110 JPY.
Reduced physical installation fee: 25,300 JPY to 13,200 JPY.
Maximum possible discount of 57%!
How to receive the discount?: When submitting your Fiber application, check the box for "I have other contracts with Sakura Mobile" or after application, email us to let us know you have completed your long-term order before your installation date.
※ The discount can be applied once per fiber internet contract.
Please apply from HERE!
The above Home Internet discounts will be applied to the following customers:
- New Sakura Mobile customers who start a Long-term contract before their Sakura Fiber Internet installation/Home WiFi order.
※ For Fiber Internet, the order needs to be confirmed and shipped before your finalized installation date. An updated PDF invoice can be requested if you have already submitted your final confirmation.
- Current Sakura Mobile customers who have an active Long-term contract with us.
※ Your contract will need to be active when you submit your Fiber Internet final confirmation/Home WiFi order.
Apply for long-term products using the following link:
🌸 Sakura Mobile - LONG TERM SIM / WIFI
※ When you place a new order, please use the same email address that you used to sign up for your home internet application form. If you do not use the same email, the discount will not be applied.
※ The payment methods need to be the same for both contracts.
You can also transfer your current SIM phone number to Sakura Mobile!
※ This is dependent on your current service, please inquire with your provider about MNP (Mobile Number Portability) possibility.